Monthly Archives: December 2016

The New Nutty Buddy

Do you have any idea what a handful of natural raw ALMONDS can do for you?  Here’s why I gave it the nickname…”The New Nutty Buddy.”

  1. Almonds are low in carbs, but high in protein and fiber and healthy fats. Studies show that eating almonds (and other nuts) can increase satiety and help you eat fewer calories. Combined with the hunger-fighting properties, it makes sense that nuts are a great addition to an effective weight loss diet.
  2. Almonds are high in antioxidants that can protect your cells from oxidative damage, a major contributor to ageing and disease.
  3. Almonds are among the world’s best sources of vitamin E. Getting plenty of vitamin E from foods is linked to numerous health benefits.
  4. Almonds are extremely high in magnesium, a mineral that most people don’t get enough of. High magnesium intake may have major benefits for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Low magnesium levels are strongly linked to high blood pressure, indicating that almonds can be beneficial for blood pressure control.
  5. Eating 1-2 handfuls of almonds per day can lead to mild reductions in LDL cholesterol levels.  They do more than just lower LDL levels in the blood.  They also protect the LDL from oxidation, which is a crucial step in the heart disease stages.

So the next time you visit your local supermarket or convenience store, pick up a few bags of natural raw Almonds.  Keep a bag in your car, in your desk drawer at work, and in your kitchen cupboard.   Make almonds your new Nutty Buddy and hunger will be a thing of the past.

Sources: Authority Nutrition. All rights reserved and Stock Photos.  All rights reserved.




Compromise Saved The Day!

Oftentimes, I forget the best way to settle a dispute is through compromise.  Just this morning, I asked my husband if he wanted me to make some homemade soup and his answer was, “You can make YOU some soup.” SMH

Here’s the problem… While I am focused on practicing a healthier lifestyle, my husband is going off the deep end with his eating habits.  My biggest concern is the chance of my eating habits taking a turn for the worse if I make his taste buds top priority.  I didn’t say this out loud, but my initial thought was, “You’re gonna eat this soup today or starve.”  I then thought to myself, “How much time will it take for me to just create two separate dishes?”  I also thought, “Do I really want to expend my energy being mad today or at peace?”

The fact is, after a little creativity, it didn’t take me very long at all to create my healthy choice meal and his hardy man meal.  I used the same basic ingredients to include ground turkey, onions, peppers, and chopped spinach.  Of course, I opted for zucchini noodles for my soup and I incorporated white rice into his dish.

At the end of the day, It was a win win situation!!    It was just that simple…because I chose to compromise and create two similar styled meals, I didnt have to compromise my peace of mind on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. 😉


Definition of Compromise

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